For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.
~ Lily Tomlin
Today is the last day before our next Mercury retrograde! Now is the time to back up your technology, double-check your vacation tickets, and hold off on big purchases or signing important contracts — at least until you have scrutinized each and every detail, multiple times!
Mercury retrograde is when the planet Mercury appears to go backwards in its usual orbit (from Earth’s perspective). For ages, astrologers have remarked that this reverse motion often manifests as a rewind or review of paths we’ve previously taken.
This topsy-turvy event occurs three times (sometimes four) every year. When it does, communications, commerce, travel, and technology (to name a few of the things ruled by the planet Mercury) may become dramatically snarled or delayed.
We have already been in the so-called “shadow phase” for several days, which is when we are likely to see the most turmoil, like when a car shifts gears from forward to reverse.
This Mercury retrograde will be in the sign of Cancer from June 7 through the 17th. So it is most likely to impact matters to do with family relationships and communications, home, mothering, and security issues. Then it shifts into its own sign of Gemini where it will at last station direct on July 1.
So you may have already been losing things, having car trouble, missing appointments, or getting into confusing, even upsetting conversations.
Merc retro is infamous for its travel and tech snafus, so this is not a great time to download new, untested software, trash irreplaceable files, tinker with delicate machinery, launch a new business endeavor, or close an important negotiation. Check and double-check before you hit “Send.”
And seriously, I hope you have backed up your devices. It’s never too late… until it is!
Be patient, watch your words, breathe
However – just remember that Mercury retrograde is not some fiendish superpower. It creates its infamous problems when we refuse to slow down and take extra time in all our busy-ness. Merc retro invites us to shift gears from the stress and the fast-forward, go-go-go life we usually lead.
You might as well relax and enjoy it. Think of it as a loving antidote for your overstimulated spirit and overbooked agenda.
Let the phones quiet down and the email demands diminish. Chill on the big purchases, signing important contracts, and making tight schedule plans with no wiggle room. You are just asking for trouble.
Instead, if your mind goes ‘elsewhere,’ well.. Why not let it?
You just might find yourself lost in a much-needed daydream. This can be a very good thing! In fact, we forget, but it is vital that we take time to ‘unplug’ and rest.
Mercury stays retrograde until July 1, so ease up for a bit, and accept that the rest of this month can be productive in a deeper, more peaceful way.
Backtracking, thoughtful review, and postponing major commitments are the Universe’s way of helping us be calm and mindful. Getting a reading with your favorite Tarot reader is also a splendid idea during this time.
And take this opportunity to get better focused. You’ll be glad you did, once it is time to move forward again.